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Quintin Castillo


Quintin Castillo is a 63-year old farmer who lives in Lemery Batangas and has worked in the farming industry for 50 years, starting in 1974. He was influenced by his parents, which built his passion for farming. He plants certain produce in the fields including; rice grain, corn, sugarcane and sweet potatoes.


As farmers rely on good weather to grow their crops, experiencing

calamities are their main problem that badly affects their farming. In Tatay Quintin’s case, his income is solely  based on the weather. If there is a typhoon, his earnings are lower  than usual. One example he gave is if a typhoon occurs, his corn crops will fall and won’t grow anymore. Another problem he encounters is the insects that damage his farms. His way of getting rid of it is  using pesticides that cost too much for him, and buying it would also  affect the price of the crops. 


Tatay Quintin sells his crops to different distributors, and it depends on them on how much they will buy it. In short, they’re the one who decides the price of the crops, not the farmers themselves. That’s why, most of his crops, especially rice grains are for his personal purposes and his family only. But aside from farming, Tatay Quintin also gets his income from taking care of animals like pigs and cows.


Ever since he was a child, he didn’t have any work other than being a farmer. But he said that if he was given a chance, he would like to work in a factory instead, only if he could and if he’s still young and strong enough to work. 


Farming has impacted his life  tremendously. Even through the difficulties, because of farming, he was able to send his children to school and sustain their needs. He was able to support and provide for his family in their daily lives.Everyday, he wakes up at 7am in the morning to start farming and stops around 11am, this is already his daily routine. This only proves that he is a very hardworking person that would do anything to provide the needs of his family.

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